Thanks for joining me in my “30 Days of Summer Entertaining” series.

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As I always say here at RE, learn to KISS and everything will flow smoother and you’ll be a happier hostess.

Keep It Simple, Sister!

There are so many ways to plan an outdoor party.

1. How do you want to serve your guests? Sit-down dinner, buffet style, or fill your plate at the grill?

2. Think about the seating. Folding tables, mixed-matched tablecloths and chairs work just fine!

3. Plan out the menu. Use a piece of paper to write down what you want to serve. Always start with the main dish. If you want burgers, then build around that entree.

4. Delegate by jotting your guests’ names down by a food item or entree’.

5. Let your guests know what they are bringing and then start preparing and organizing the food items you’ll be serving.

6. Pull it all together with a healthy attitude that things do not have to be perfect. When everyone contributes, it becomes more “community” and less about you.

One thing I love is the surprise and uniqueness of what each guest has to offer when they bring a dish. It does feel better, especially in our economy today, when everyone becomes a contributor to the meal.

So many people are intimidated by the menu. I’m not sure why, except I think our expectations supersede the reality of what we’re really trying to accomplish.

I’m not trying to impress and one-up with my outdoor dinner parties.

I just want to celebrate summer, families and friends, the early harvest, nature, and good conversation.

Again, keeping it simple is really the secret.

Do you tend to “over-do” when planning the menu by either NOT delegating, or possibly making TOO MUCH food?

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30 days of Summer Entertaining