I’m over at Simple Mom’s today posting about 8 Simple Steps to Planning a 4th of July Party! It really isn’t as hard as you might think … I learned years ago that delegation is the KEY.

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#8. Pull it all together with a healthy attitude that things do not have to be perfect. When everyone contributes, it becomes more “community” and less about you.

Read more, => HERE

I was recently asked to review a book for a friend of a friend (The Nester), called, Your Daughter Needs a Hero, by Maria Furlough. The subtitle caught my eye right away … Helping her handle insecurity and poor body image.

(my daughter and some of her beautiful friends)

Years ago I started a Balcony Girls group with my daughter, from 3-8 grades. It was such a special time, with awesome girls, as we worked through relationships, friendships, and virtues. You can read more about my 2 eBooks, here.

One of the lessons in my eBook teaches on beauty: How to be able to look into the mirror and see your heart, as well as your face or your body, and learn that God loves you just the way He made you. And overcoming the “Barbie” image, or standard-of-beauty, of having to look “perfect.” To defeat these lies: You are not pretty enough. Your body isn’t perfect enough.

So, if you’re interested in building up your daughter’s self-esteem and self image, then read on … you can ENTER TO WIN a copy of this fabulous book that I’m giving away today! (3 copies)

Today’s book takes this subject of “image” much further. Maria Furlough shares her perspective on growing up as an insecure girl, her teens years, and now married several years as a young mom and mentoring young teens. She writes about self-image, confidence, and self-esteem. I’d say this book is a must-read if you have a daughter because she really shows parents how to counteract the constant pressures and influences that affect teen girls every day.

This book is for mothers and fathers to read, and includes discussion questions at the end for parents. Such a valuable ending to the book. Your daughter may not be crazy about you reading it, but … later she will thank you.

Here are some of the chapters which helped me decide that this book was for me, and something I could wrap my mind around. I feel we can always improve our parenting, so when I read something as inspiring as this book, I want to gain the wisdom myself, and share it with others.

Chapter titles (and my two-cents).

-How Teen Bop Magazine Ruined My Life (I too, remember reading Tiger Beat and wishing I could look like them. Ugh … I remember all too well, never happy for who I was.)

-Not My Daughter! (No one has a perfect daughter. It’s tempting to turn a blind eye and not deal with things that should be dealt with. Especially when we moms have hangups ourselves. I mean, how much do we talk about food, dieting, exercise, what clothing looks good on us, etc.)

-What if I Do Nothing? (What if I do something, should be what we are asking ourselves. I’m thankful for a healthy relationship with my daughter. Parenting is hard work, it doesn’t just happen overnight.)

-A Thankless Job (The goal as a mom is to be the source, strength, and guidance that our girls need. It’s not always easy and sometimes I question if I’m doing the right thing.)

-Mom’s Contributing Behaviors (Our actions, words of “diets,” what we watch and read, our appearances and insecurities … I pray it’s my faith that my daughter remembers the most.)

-Dad’s Contributing Behaviors (Healthy affection, adoration, and acceptance, HUMOR, leadership in dealing with everyday life’s pressures. It’s not about what she wears that makes her beautiful.)

-What Mom and Dad Can Do to Help (Be real with struggles you had. Ask a lot of questions, communicate, compliment. Don’t talk about your weight. (ouch))

-The Hope of a Different Future (Confident and secure women have the power to change our world and our family’s world. Not insecure women. I’ve learned that who I hang out with really makes a difference in so many ways.)

-My Mom’s Perspective: Beauty from Ashes (Maria’s mother shares about her daughter’s struggles with insecurity, self-image – how she feels Maria got these traits from her. She confesses to being a people pleaser.)

-My Dad’s Perspective: Man Your Battle Station (Maria’s father shares his story and mess-ups. He now says: What is the legacy you want to leave? He includes a challenge for grandparents of granddaughters.)

I have to say, I was really touched by Maria’s father’s story. I’ll let you read it to form your own opinion.

Self worth is something that most have struggled with at some time, and Maria gives very real examples in her new book for how to address these situations! Powerful!

Now for the GIVEAWAY. THREE people will win a copy of Your Daughter Needs a Hero.

What’s one example of how you address self-esteem issues with your daughter?

2 EXTRA CHANCES TO WIN (come back and tell me):
-Follow Maria’s Your Daughter Needs a Hero Facebook page

-Follow Reluctant Entertainer on Facebook

Good Luck and spread the giveaway, if you can, to those who could benefit by Maria’s ministry.

The 3 winners will be announced on RE Facebook page on Monday night, July 2.