In a perfect world …

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I’d wake up to classical music, my work-out would be over, I would have had 1 hour of inspirational time with God.

In a perfect world …

My children would be angels, my home would be clutter-free, paperwork would not exist. My dishes would be done, my counters would be clean, my floors would be swept.

In a perfect world …

The bathrooms would stay clean, the weeds would be pulled, the refrigerator and pantry would stay stocked, and money would never be an issue.

In a perfect world …

There’d be no yelling, we’d always be on time, our family would always be polite, loving and respectful toward one another.

In a perfect world …

I wouldn’t struggle with balance, patience, flexibility and humility. Or hurt feelings, hormones and sleep.

In a perfect world …

I’d be more accepting, compassionate, graceful, hospitable and loving.

My perfect world does not exist. But every morning I have a choice to do what I can to have purpose and passion, to be more teachable by listening and learning. To embrace the imperfect and relish the joyfulness of the day, by looking beyond my imperfections and the circumstances around me.

When I was a little girl, life seemed to be big, exciting and perfect. I remember being SO excited for my very first birthday party. But as an adult, that perfect life disappears quickly!

What is it about becoming childlike that brings simplicity back into our lives? Becoming like a child means I’m willing to grow; like a sponge I’m willing to soak up new things, manners, truths, and challenges. God is quite capable of leading us in the way we should go. And life will never be perfect. But it’s my job to listen and learn, becoming like a child with a teachable heart.

If you could wake up every morning knowing one thing could be perfect, what would you want that to be?