Lay each roast on a piece of plastic wrap on the counter. Cover each side of the tri tip roast with mayonnaise (about 1/8 cup each side).
Generously season the coating on all sides with salt. Pat the pressed garlic onto the outside of each side, and then heavily cover with fresh ground pepper.
Re-wrap eaach roast with plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator one to three days before serving.
Prepare the grill, getting heat to at least 375°F/191°C, or better.
Grill each roast on high for 5-10 minutes, turning down to low until the meat is cooked to desired temperature. Rare 8-10 minutes; medium 12-14 minutes.
You can also use the pressure test, or a great instant read thermometer. With your tongs, press the meat looking for: Rare – soft to the touch (120-125°F/49-52°C). Medium – firmer than rare, but yields (130-135°F/54-57°C). Well – firm, not yielding (160°F/71°C, and above).
Allow meat to “rest” for about 5 minutes before slicing. Resting tri tip steak is important, as this allows the juices and spices to return to the meat’s center. Slice and serve!