Enjoy this Summer Avocado Pasta Salad with creamy homemade dressing, for easy entertaining. Make ahead for a picnic or holiday potluck dish. This Summer Avocado Pasta Salad is the...
Best Homemade Strawberry Jam is the easiest recipe I have found for strawberry jam—so soft, spreadable and delicious on a piece of toast. Friends, these simple ingredients equal a...
Enjoy this summer Prosciutto Wrapped Mango Salad. Serve deconstructed or mixed together strawberries, goat cheese, cilantro, and fresh lime. It’s the last day of July! We’re all about salads...
Are you ready for the weekend? Here’s a delicious summer appetizer that everyone loves: Strawberry Kiwi Crostini Bites with goat cheese! Friends, we’re so enjoying the consistent warm weather...
Serve Old-Fashioned Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream for a hot summer night of gathering! There is NO sweetened condensed milk in this recipe! Hello, Friends! Today we’re sharing our favorite...
Bacon Corn Salad is served warm as a side dish or appetizer with chips. It’s loaded with sweet corn, crisp and salty bacon, and shallots. It’s loaded with fresh...