Guinness Pot Roast is a Beef Chuck Roast recipe that is braised in a rich sauce with onions and carrots. It’s loaded with flavor, fresh thyme, and bold spices....
This Sour Cream and Lemon Pie is made with an easy-press pie crust and a lemon custard filling–a delicious creamy pie for company! We love it served with fresh...
Take Taco Tuesdays to a new level with this epic Taco Charcuterie Board. This dinner board is filled with all the fixin’s to make the ultimate mini steak tacos!...
This easy curry chicken recipe, Curried Chicken Divan, is a chicken breast rolled around fresh broccolini, served over brown rice. It’s a chicken casserole served with broccoli and “Mornay”...
Fluffy Cream Cheese Mascarpone Frosting is perfect for any cake, cupcakes, or for frosting cinnamon rolls! Use leftovers on graham crackers. We especially love it on banana cake, but...
Take flour tortilla strips and deep-fry, and then coat with cinnamon and sugar for easy Cinnamon Fried Tortillas. These little sweet bites are delicious served for a Mexican dessert,...
The Big Board is a great way to bring people together. Whether cooking from scratch, or buying premade food in the store, building a board is an artful way to present your delicious food!
Hello and welcome to my home and table! I’m Sandy Coughlin—recipe developer, founder of THE BIG BOARD, cookbook author, wife and mom to 3 adult kids. Enjoy our recipes, board ideas, entertaining tips, and travel adventures! (More about me »)