This Blueberry Coconut Baked Oatmeal recipe is loaded with wholesome ingredients—oats, nuts, maple syrup and blueberries. Friends, here’s a simple, lovely Blueberry Coconut Baked Oatmeal to make for the...
Mexican Wedding Cookies are a buttery, nutty cookie rolled in powdered sugar, popular for Cinco de Mayo and Christmas- or the anytime cookie! Friends, enjoy these delicious, nutty cookies,...
Quick Mango Salsa Recipe is juicy and sweet, made with ripe mangos, red onion, cilantro, jalapenos and tangy lime for the perfect salsa! Friends, just in time for spring...
Homemade Refried Beans are a side dish or dip made with pinto beans, onions, jalapeños, and more; tasty for a Mexican or Cinco de Mayo meal. This flavorful recipe...
Spiced up chocolaty brownies with cinnamon and chili powder for a memorable dessert for Cinco de Mayo: Mexican Chocolate Brownies Recipe! Friends, for a recent small dinner party I...
Light, fresh and bursting with flavor, this Grilled Corn Pineapple Salad is perfect for Taco Tuesday or for your Cinco De Mayo Party! This Grilled Corn Pineapple Salad combines...