With a rich, malty flavor and a dense crumb, Irish Brown Soda Bread is a no-knead bread made with dulse flakes (seaweed); ready in a jiffy! With a rich,...
Enjoy this One-Pot Creamy Sausage Pasta recipe, a delicious Spaghettini Dinner for any weeknight meal that your family will love! Friends, I love a good cookbook that has recipes where...
Banana Pudding Trifle has layers of bananas, sour cream whipped cream, and crumbled Nilla wafers, for a delicious pudding trifle dessert. This Banana Pudding Trifle is made with layers...
Enjoy this bright and fresh Chicken Pesto Pasta Salad, a salad that comes together quickly with a delicious creamy pesto dressing. Friends, are you ready for a 30-minute salad...
Serve warm out of the oven this make-ahead Blueberry Yogurt Morning Cake, made with yogurt and fresh or frozen blueberries. Use a springform pan and this cake comes out...
Rich, decadent, and loaded with big chocolate flavor AND Bailey’s, this amazing Bailey’s Irish Cream Cake uses a few shortcuts to make baking even easier! This cake is so...