For this Curried Shepherd’s Pie, the ground beef (or ground turkey) is mixed with spices, peas, carrots, and celery, then topped with a pile of fluffy, mashed potatoes! Serve...
The Best Classic Shepherd’s Pie is a comfort recipe with cooked meat and vegetables, topped with creamy mashed potatoes (or crispy) potatoes! Shepherd’s pie is a meat and vegetable...
My whole family loves bread pudding. It’s so warm, ooey, gooey, and full of flavor. Such amazingness from humble ingredients! This Irish Bread Pudding is just about the tastiest...
This easy tuna casserole–Best Tuna Casserole Recipe–is a twist on the “classic” using ricotta, Paremesan cheese, peas, and green onions. This casserole recipe is a simple version of the...
I love Ireland, but because we’re so far from the Emerald Isle, I like to treat friends and family to Irish treats whenever possible. This St. Patrick’s Day charcuterie...
An easy St. Patrick’s Day Dinner menu: Irish Slaw Dip, Irish Pub Salad, Guinness Roast Beef, and Irish Bread Pudding, plus more! Friends, if you’re planning a St. Patrick’s...