Baked Apricot Greek Yogurt Chicken Thighs is an easy chicken recipe made with a tangy marinade of apricot jam, cumin, basil and Greek Yogurt. Looking for a delicious way...
Make your own Chicken Salad Board with your favorite bread (croissants) and toppings, and our delicious, easy chicken salad sandwich recipe! I love preparing a recipe of my favorite...
For brunch, enjoy a Deviled Egg Croissant Charcuterie Board with eggs, salami, and cheese to make delicious croissant sandwiches! Today I’m sharing a doable, affordable Spring Breakfast Charcuterie Board!...
For a fun weekend breakfast, or a picnic brunch, serve an Egg Frittata Sandwich Board. Add English muffins, cheese, meat, and fruit. Enjoy! Frittatas are not only one of...
For game day or any gathering, serve an Easy Pork Carnitas Taco Board! Enjoy a delicious shredded pork with all your favorite Mexican toppings. Friends, we love this board...
Mango Orange Curd is made from scratch from fresh mangos, orange and lemon. Serve this recipe on desserts, as toppings, and breakfast boards. Friends, I can feel spring in...