Whole Roasted Spiced Cauliflower is a delicious veggie substitute. The seasonings can be changed according to your taste. Serve as a side dish with salmon! Looking for a meatless...
Filled with your favorite fruit and chocolate treats, make a Valentine’s Day Dessert Board, a festive snack tray for your holiday party! Friends, it’s Valentine’s week and a fun...
Enjoy this homemade silky, creamy Chocolate Greek Yogurt Panna Cotta dessert. An easy custard dessert recipe made with Greek yogurt, chocolate, and gelatin! Friends, love is in the air with...
Baked Curry Sweet Potato Fries are sweet and salty oven baked sweet potato wedges, tossed with oil, sprinkled with curry, and a finishing flake salt! Baked Curry Sweet Potato...
An EPIC French Fries Board recipe with dipping sauces, fries, tater tots, onion rings, and more. Perfect for Game Day or any party! Friends, happy weekend! Are you hosting...
Make your own Roasted Maple Bourbon Nuts, with almonds, cashews, maple syrup and bourbon. A heavenly snack, and tasty chopped on salads! Friends, for Game Day, have you thought...