Oregon Marionberry Galette Recipe is a dessert made with frozen or fresh berries, with a sweet crust! It’s best eaten the day it is baked. It’s a great summertime dessert to...
This Smoky Vegetarian Quinoa Bowl recipe is a great way to bring summer grilling to winter, with delicious veggies cooked indoors, served potluck style. Friends, with all of the...
This Pecan Upside Down Cake Recipe is a delicious cake served for breakfast, lunch, or dinner–best with your favorite ice cream on top! Friends, enjoy a cozy Pecan Upside Down...
Turkey Cheddar Apple Sliders are a delicious snack, lunch, dinner, or potluck dish to bring to a game day or holiday party! Friends, the beautiful Christmas lights are up...
The Ryobi Brushless Snow Blower for Winter is engineered to remove snow quickly from patios, decks and driveways–a review from our home in central Oregon. Friends, we’ve said it...
For a cozy meal, grill cedar planked salmon for this Cedar Planked Salmon Pot Pie recipe with homemade sauce, beans, and puff pastry topping. Friends, this week, before we...