These Rosemary Oven Baked Sweet Potato Chips are a delicious snack, or a side served with a burger or sandwich, with a sweet berry dipping sauce! Friends, I have...
This Pumpkin Seed Cranberry Granola is the perfect fall snack or breakfast, delicious with yogurt, in cookies, and the perfect gift to give. Friends, the other day I was...
Today I’m sharing about my recent trip to “Myrtle Beach: Where to Stay and Eat” along with a Marriott Resort & Spa at Grande Dunes Hotel review. Friends, I...
Thanks for visiting our house project, Mountain Home Fixer Upper with Ryobi Tools, along with a DIY Modern Outdoor bench for entertaining. Friends, with our recent move to central Oregon, we want to...
One-Pot Chicken Vegetable Soup can be served as soup, or over a bowl of noodles. Squeeze with fresh lemon for a perfectly cozy meal! Make a delicious comfort One-Pot...
This post includes our DIY Mountain Home Renovation Final Reveal, with effective tips how to bring a 1980’s house into the present! Friends, as most of you know, we’ve...