This Easy Chili Appetizer is fun to serve as individual servings or as a party dip! The most valuable part of a meal is gathering. It’s not always the...
Today I’m sharing the Sunset Menu & Life at Storyville Coffee in Seattle! Imagine starting a new, gourmet and boutique coffee company and experience in–of all places–Seattle? That would...
Make a Tomatillo Avocado Dip Recipe for Mexican night with fresh corn and tomatoes, for easy summer entertaining! Serve with favorite chips! Just in time for summer entertaining, buy...
Today’s easy weekend brunch menu consists of this Creamy Poppyseed Dressing with a Strawberry Cobb Salad Recipe, crunchy bread, and a light crisp for dessert. It’s fun to have friends over...
This post is about my recent travels to Mwanza, Tanzania for Protectors Nation, plus I’m sharing 10 Packing Tips for Africa. My husband and I recently returned from a...
A delicious breakfast smoothie using frozen raspberries, today I’m sharing a Raspberry Spinach Smoothie recipe and my thoughts on yoga. Enjoy a delicious Raspberry Smoothie with spinach (optional), for a...