This Candied Maple Walnuts recipe is a super-easy recipe to make at home! They make an excellent salad topper or crunchy holiday or hostess gift snack. The maple walnuts...
Eggnog pancakes make for a delicious holiday brunch or breakfast, and when you put them on a board loaded with toppings and other treats, it becomes an Eggnog Pancakes...
Soft English muffins, cinnamon, cardamom and pears make this Pear Bread Pudding, a tender dessert drizzled with a rich caramel sauce. This pear bread pudding recipe is perfect for...
Make little crostini, and prepare sweet potatoes and garlic for these golden bites of Garlic Crostini with sprinkle of tahini and pistachios! These Sweet Potato Garlic Crostini, sprinkled with...
There’s nothing quite as delicious as Quiche Florentine. With tender spinach as the star of this dish, the blend of cream, cheeses, and baby spinach, all baked in a...
Nothing says special occasions and holidays more than Pretzel-Almond Bark, and I’ve been making this recipe for a long time. Ever since my kids were young, we’d make batches...