Enjoy this simple recipe for sweet and spicy Honey Harissa Chicken, served with white rice, veggies, marinated olives, and fresh herbs! Friends, looking for an easy prep meal to...
Take a bite of Best Frito Corn Salad, also delicious served as a dip with sliced veggies. Make ahead and add Frito chips before serving! We’re still enjoying summer...
Best Italian Pasta Salad recipe is a loaded pasta salad with all your favorite Italian ingredients, made with a homemade pesto vinaigrette! We love this “anytime” salad – which...
Pumpkin Sugar Cookies are soft sugar cookies, full of pumpkin fall flavor! This easy pumpkin cookie recipe has a light drizzle/frosting. Happy September, Friends! I say this is the...
Vanilla Texas Sheet Cake Recipe is a moist, made-from-scratch vanilla sheet cake in a jelly roll pan, topped with a thick chocolate icing! Friends, this Vanilla Texas Sheet Cake Recipe...
Make a cake pan (9×13 pan) of Greek Yogurt Dutch Baby for breakfast. Serve with lemon, syrup, fruit, and a dusting of powdered sugar! Ready for a delicious summer...