Peach Waldorf Salad Recipe is a spin on the traditional Waldorf salad, with fresh summer peaches and a sweet Greek yogurt sauce! This summer spin on the classic Waldorf...
Roasted Tomato Tart is a great way to enjoy garden tomatoes by roasting them first, then cooking with goat cheese and fresh basil on puff pastry. Two things about...
Serve a bunless Protein Style Burger Board with turkey burgers, crunchy lettuce, and all your favorite toppings–served on a dinner board! Friends, if you’re like me, you imbue your...
Eat the rainbow with stuffed bell peppers! Enjoy this Cheesy Stuffed Chicken Sausage Quinoa Peppers recipe, a healthy weeknight meal. Perfect for dinner tonight, these Cheesy Stuffed Chicken Sausage...
Use up garden zucchini with this three-cheese Zucchini Galette Recipe, made in a pie crust with zucchini, herbs, and a splash of lemon. A delicious vegetarian meal. August is...
Vanilla Pudding Parfaits are made with coconut milk; topped with whipped cream and fresh strawberries. An easy, delicious weeknight dessert! I love Vanilla Pudding Parfaits because they remind me...