Monte Cristo breakfast sliders are mini breakfast sandwiches made on Brioche dinner rolls, layered with Canadian bacon, bacon, cheese, and scrambled eggs. And then a spread of your favorite...
This is my favorite stuffed French Toast recipe! Gather strawberries, ricotta, and lemon (with your favorite bread, of course), for this custardy-good strawberry breakfast bake! All my friends make...
This is the BEST chocolate chunk banana bread. It’s super moist and loaded with large chunks of chocolate and sweet banana flavor. Every slice is comforting, and is so tasty...
Enjoy our Easy Cinnamon Cruffins, a super delicious morning cinnamon roll made with crescent roll dough, raisins, and topped with a buttery cinnamon and sugar combo. They are baked...
A Pull-Apart Charcuterie Bread recipe is made with leftover charcuterie board ingredients, biscuits, and served with marinara sauce for dipping. I used two rolls of biscuit dough, cut into...
Carmelitas are a delicious cookie bar loaded with chocolate and caramel! They are soft and chewy layered bars are dripping with caramel, Heath toffee bars (chunks), and stuffed with...