Serve a Fall Mini Pie Charcuterie, a dessert board with mini pies–pumpkin, pecan, apple, sweet potato–served with spiced cream and fruit. Friends, just in time for an autumn gathering,...
Looking for a simple, flavorful chili recipe? Enjoy this Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Chili recipe, served with cornbread and a green salad! Friends, I’m so happy for the cooler...
Hanging on to summer, enjoy this Pumpkin No-Churn Ice Cream with Ginger Snap Cookies. A simple early autumn dessert to serve to dinner guests! Enjoy this easy recipe to...
This BEST Butternut Pear Soup recipe is made with pears and butternut squash and secret ingredient, garam masala. Perfect soup to enjoy for a cozy meal! Friends, it’s pear and butternut season!...
It’s easy to make a Fall Cheese Board for casual hosting. Just in time for autumn, add pears, apples, and your favorite cheese and meats! Friends, just in time...
A favorite salad any time of year, this Mediterranean Salmon Salad, Add kalamata olives, sun dried tomatoes, feta cheese, artichoke hearts, and salmon. Friends, if you’re looking for a...