For the holidays, these Maple Baked Pears with Honey Ricotta. A simple recipe paired with a honey ricotta mixture, sliced almonds, or vanilla ice cream. Friends, today I’m sharing...
For the best homemade gift idea for the holidays, make ahead and freeze these Quick Peanut Butter Cups Recipe, a delicious gift to give! Friends, today I’m sharing a...
Sage Lamb Kofta with Cucumber Yogurt Sauce is made with ground lamb, onions and spices. The meatballs are served with a cucumber, dill & mint yogurt sauce. When I...
Here’s how to make a Simple Holiday Cheese Board! Use delicious aged and savory cheeses, nuts, premium salami, fig spread, and good quality crackers! Friends, not all cheese boards...
How to bake perfect sweet potatoes! Tips how to bake a sweet potato, or for mashed potatoes, or eaten in their simple, caramelized glory with salt. How to bake perfect...
For a gathering for breakfast or brunch, serve a Trader Joe’s Belgian Waffle Board. Add toppings: Maple or butter, lemon curd, and preserves. Friends, just in time for the...