Vegetarian Sweet Potato Lentil Burgers is a recipe served on brioche buns with avocado, aioli sauce, and micrgreens! Make ahead and reheat. Friends, inspired by one of our favorite...
Just in time for back to school, enjoy this kid-friendly Silver Dollar Pancakes PB&J Board. Make mini peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with pancakes! Friends, just in time for...
This easy Chicken Quinoa Black Bean Bake is a simple one-pot dish with quinoa, chicken, and black beans. It’s easy, gluten-free, and freezer-friendly. Happy September! I hope you enjoy...
Arugula Pasta Salad is made with whole wheat pasta, arugula, sun dried tomatoes, artichokes, feta, and fresh parsley! An easy potuck dish! When I think of casual dinners, soup nights,...
Looking for a simple summer dessert? Enjoy Summer Cherry Compote Recipe, served over vanilla ice cream. Also delish for breakfast on pancakes or waffles! This yummy Cherry Compote Recipe...
Make a Grilled Tomatoes Charcuterie Board for summer hosting. Add your favorite cheese and meat, with grilled heirloom tomatoes, along with fruit and nuts. Friends, just in time for...