A refreshing Blueberry Cardamom Vanilla Smoothie recipe for a quick and healthy breakfast or an afternoon pick me up! Use any frozen fruit. Friends, enjoy a delicious Blueberry Cardamom Vanilla Smoothie...
Make an easy one-pot Sautéed Veggie Chicken Skillet recipe dinner! Add your favorite sautéed veggies, Rotisserie chicken, kale, and toppings! Over the weekend, we took time. We took time...
A simple Easy Triple Onion Dip Recipe, great for dipping veggies and chips, or make ahead into a cheese ball. Serve on an epic charcuterie board! Happy Friday, Friends....
Happy St. Patrick’s Day Charcuterie Board is an Irish cheese board served with a selection of artisan charcuterie foods, snacks, and more. Friends, you can make so many people...
This vegetarian Healthy Mexican Sweet Potato Casserole is a delicious casserole dish topped with toasted almonds, raisins, fresh lime, and cilantro! Happy Wednesday, Friends! Today I’m sharing a delicious...