Parsley Infused Pesto Socca Pizza has amazing flavors of garlic and parsley! Socca pizza (Farinata) is a gluten-free garbanzo bean crust pizza or flatbread. Friends, do you live in...
Just in time for burger season, you’ll love Avocado Garlic Aioli Sauce Recipe made with garlic, avocados, and Veganaise. Garnish with red pepper flakes! Fire up the grill, with...
The perfect easy dessert to make for summer guests, gatherings, picnics, potlucks, or holidays is this Best Peach Tart recipe! “Eating with the fullest pleasure is perhaps the profoundest...
Enjoy Best Mango Quinoa Salad, a healthy, delicious summer salad made with mango, fresh veggies, and a light dressing. Perfect for a summer picnic or party! When I think...
Dairy-Free Cashew Pesto Recipe is delicious served on seafood or chicken. Also served as an appetizer with crostini and mozzarella, or heirloom tomatoes. Fresh and flavorful! Friends, we don’t...
A simple DIY Mountain Home Bathroom Remodel, painting over wallpaper, replacing the high tank toilet with a Kohler toilet, and adding a few other touches! Friends, our recent DIY bathroom...