Best Parmesan Basil Brown Rice Recipe is a delicious side dish made in a rice cooker, made with fresh basil and Parmesan cheese. Friends we have so much to...
Enjoy this 30-minute Easy Lentil Soup for a simple weeknight meal. Made with crimini mushrooms and a few other surprise ingredients! Happy busy, rushed week of shopping, cooking, and getting...
Friends, we had a cozy night with our family over the weekend, enjoying our fire and this Cranberry Orange Relish Brie Cheese Appetizer. This post is sponsored by Pine...
Enjoy Garlic Roasted Yam Arugula Salad for the holidays, garnished with a pop of pomegranate seeds and a drizzle of balsamic glaze! DELISH! Friends, let’s talk Christmas and holidays...
Looking for a quick, elegant dessert to serve to your guests? You’ll love this Ellenos Bourbon Maple Pumpkin Pie Parfait, so easy, you won’t believe it. Friends, this is...
This Cinnamon Fig Yogurt Cake, dusted with powdered sugar, is festive and delicious for a holiday brunch, breakfast, or tea party. A Cinnamon Fig Yogurt Cake is a souffle-like fig...