Pack your favorite Caprese flavors into these easy stuffed chicken breasts for the best Caprese Chicken Foil Packs meal! Serve with a side of veggies. During one of our...
Enjoy 4 Ingredient Turkey Sweet Potato Meatballs recipe with your favorite dipping sauce, in a pasta dish, or cut up in a fresh green salad. Friends, we’ve been on...
This Melt-In-Your-Mouth Double Chocolate Brownie Recipe is the perfect dessert for any picnic, potluck, or casual dinner party (serve with ice cream)! Friends, this summer has been magical. Not...
Delicious served with pulled pork, this Cucumber Lime Shaven Slaw Recipe is perfect for any summer party, picnic, or potluck! A party hit! We recently had a couple of new...
Homemade Wholesome Hazelnut Spread recipe is delicious served with fruit, scones, muffins, Enghlish muffins, or used in cakes and breads. Friends, just in time for the Eclipse today, I’m...
Try this easy Goat Cheese Honey Crisp Apples Honey Rosemary Thins appetizer! A fresh, delightful hors d’oeuvre for any time of year! Earlier this week was a perfect example of...