This Chicken Rice Taco Bowls Recipe is a easy, casual way to serve dinner. Set out the ingredients and let guests make their own bowls! Happy Friday Friends! Thank...
Layered Holiday Kale Berry Salad is an elegant salad layered with bacon, quinoa, and roasted butternut squash, drizzled with a vinaigrette! Friends, just because fresh berry season is behind...
This Garbanzo Carrot Date Salad is a delicious fresh, sweet and savory salad to make ahead – perfect for the reluctant entertainer to make for company! Watch the VIDEO to...
This Roasted Chicken with Root Vegetables so a delicious, comforting, one-pot meal made with carrots, parsnips, onions, and a whole chicken. Friends, this past weekend I went on a glorious...
Enjoy this grain free granola recipe packed with nuts, coconut, and seeds! It’s gluten free; a healthy, protein-rich breakfast or snack! Friends, the nights and mornings are getting chillier...
With the help of Ryobi Outdoor Products, we’re ready for Fall and Winter, in our central Oregon fixer upper Mountain Home! Friends, Happy October! As we mentioned in an...