Delicious bites of Dressing-Stuffed Mini Peppers with melted cheese, baked to perfection. A delicious appetizer served with leftover Thanksgiving stuffing! Happy leftovers, Friends! If you love leftover stuffing (or...
These Scotch-Brite Holiday Clean-up Dinner Party Tips will help any hostess with dirty dishes to be assertive, ask for help, and learn to enjoy the party. I am a...
I recently stayed at The Halkin by COMO, a Belgravia, London hotel, elegant and discreet, tucked away on a quiet side road in Knightsbridge. The next several weeks I’ll be sharing...
This Kale Butternut Farro Soup is delicious with leftover turkey or chicken, the perfect comfort dish to serve to a friend or two! Friends, I was in Chicago this...
These Bacon Mashed Potatoes, with fresh chives, are the perfect side dish for a potluck, gathering, weeknight meal, or holiday meal. I’m so in love with this season! Just...
Enjoy Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie with Cheese Recipe, made with two different kinds of delicious cheese, ground turkey, and sweet potaotes! Fall is a great time of year for a...