This hot buttered rum mix is for a rich and creamy cocktail, made with a butter batter spiced with nutmeg and vanilla, hot water, and rum. Make the Hot Buttered Rum...
Chicken Broccoli Potato Casserole is a comforting dish my mom, Millie, used to make for us girls growing up. It’s an easy recipe that’s perfect for using up leftover...
Enjoy an amazing Italian dish of Sugo di Carne, made with rich, savory flavors of butter, beef, onions tomatoes, and wine! Simple ingredients! Serve with penne pasta (or favorite...
This classic all bran muffins with raisins recipe (with additional nuts, chocolate chips, cranberries, blueberries, or coconut), has been around for a long time. It makes 4 dozen, and...
These Turkey and Cranberry Sliders bring together the comforting flavors of Thanksgiving in an easy-to-share dish. Starting with soft Hawaiian rolls, they’re layered with thick-cut turkey (perfect for deli...
Stuffing is the heart of any holiday meal–a side dish so good it could easily stand on its own. This Easy Cornbread Stuffing Recipe combines the sweet and savory...