This simple Chicken Veronique recipe is made with roasted chicken breasts, red grapes, and simmered in a tasty wine sauce with rosemary. This French chicken dish is roasted in...
This chocolate zucchini cake is a moist and fudgy recipe, sweet enough with no frosting, dusted with powdered sugar. A great use of zucchini! This super moist zucchini cake...
Set out this Salami Chips recipe, an easy baked Salami recipe served with a variety of mustard flavors! Delicious served on a charcuterie board! If you love baked chips,...
Bananas and chocolate are an amazing flavor combination, and these easy healthy Banana Brownies are guilt-free eating! Made without oil or refined sugar, these gluten-free banana brownies are even...
How many days do you need to truly experience Venice? We recently spent three great days in Venice as part of a travel extension through Viking Cruises. We started...