I realize that the term “dinner party” may be old-fashioned to some, but for me, I like old-fashioned. I like to think back to some of the best memories in our home, when we’ve had families over for dinner, or just adults.

When we want to have a dinner party, it’s usually because we want to catch up with people that we feel connected to.

Here’s what I think are the basic concepts surrounding an impromtu- dinner-party, and why I’m so passionate about them.

– Invite people into your home instead of going out to a restaurant (where the food can sometimes be very disappointing).

– You can sit as long as you want and visit and not worry about getting kicked out.

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– You can eat good food, and you know exactly where it came from.

– You don’t have to get dressed up.

– If you have time to plan ahead, you can share the cost by delegating a portion of the meal.

Impromptu dinners can sometimes result in the most fun times together. You don’t have time to stress about the details. You learn to go with the flow and to “enjoy the moment.” I’ve had times where my house was a mess, everyone did the dishes together, the kids were all over the place. To me those times reflected the essence of true entertaining.

I know it’s still the first of the year and people are tightening their budgets after Christmas, cutting back on eating out, spending less.

But it’s still important to share day to day life with the people that we care about. (Delegate, Delegate!)

How do you define “dinner party” in your home?