Enjoy this Cake Pan Frozen Peach Crisp served warm with vanilla ice cream and a dash of nutmeg. Use canned or frozen peaches for this dessert! Friends, you know...
Enjoy this simple recipe for sweet and spicy Honey Harissa Chicken, served with white rice, veggies, marinated olives, and fresh herbs! Friends, looking for an easy prep meal to...
Take a bite of Best Frito Corn Salad, also delicious served as a dip with sliced veggies. Make ahead and add Frito chips before serving! We’re still enjoying summer...
Best Italian Pasta Salad recipe is a loaded pasta salad with all your favorite Italian ingredients, made with a homemade pesto vinaigrette! We love this “anytime” salad – which...
Pumpkin Sugar Cookies are soft sugar cookies, full of pumpkin fall flavor! This easy pumpkin cookie recipe has a light drizzle/frosting. Happy September, Friends! I say this is the...
Vanilla Texas Sheet Cake Recipe is a moist, made-from-scratch vanilla sheet cake in a jelly roll pan, topped with a thick chocolate icing! Friends, this Vanilla Texas Sheet Cake Recipe...