Decadent and tasty Chocolate Covered Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Bites with a sprinkle of Sea salt are so easy to make, freeze, and serve. These make the best anytime...
Let guests graze on an Epic Grilled Breakfast Charcuterie Board filled with meat, cheese, fruit and eggs. Serve on the 26-inch Big Board. Today I’m writing about JOY! For...
White Bean Crostini Toasts are an easy snack, appetizer or side dish, served on a crusty French bread. It’s a simple vegetarian appetizer! We love this served as a...
Make-at-home Black Bean Hummus recipe is a fresh hummus dip made with chickpeas and tahini. Blend until creamy and serve with raw vegetables! Have you ever made your own hummus?...
Enjoy a creamy Leftover Lemon Dill Salmon Sandwiches recipe, delicious served on specialty bread, topped with sprouts and avocado! Friends, for a quick lunch eaten with green salad (or...
We love this little waffly cute trick, how to make Heart-Shaped Waffle Cookies recipe! Use Trader Joe’s cookie dough and a heart-shaped waffle maker! These little waffle cookies are...