Looking for a fun healthy lunch idea? This Butter Leaf Lettuce Spicy Tuna Recipe are wraps that take only about 5 minutes to make! This Butter Leaf Lettuce Spicy Tuna Recipe...
Cozy up with this hearty Sausage Bacon Tomato Soup (stew) recipe, and enjoy with a piece of hot, crunchy bread (and butter of course). Hello dear Friends! Happy almost-weekend!...
Eggs Poached in Tomato (Shakshuka) is a poached egg recipe with tomatoes, veggies, spices and orange! Top with almonds, cheese, and parsley. Friends, enjoy this simple breakfast or brunch...
Super Moist Greek Yogurt Banana Bread is warm and delicious. Substitute the Greek yogurt for sour cream. Add a sprinkle of brown sugar on top! Friends, I love this...
When it’s cold outside, this easy taco recipe will warm your family right up. Serve a Pizza Taco Braid Board for an easy dinner tonight! Friends, who will you...
Serve Vegetarian Miso Mushroom Stuffing as a side dish or a breakfast casserole. This recipe is versatile; you can also add meat. Friends, are you looking for a delicious...