Cozy and delicious Slow Cooker White Bean Basil Chicken Soup, a great weeknight meal. Top with shaved Parmesan cheese and diced red onions! Healthy eating is the main conversation in...
Our 41 Most Popular Recipes of 2021 were inspired by my readers here at Reluctant Entertainer. Click on each link to try these recipes! Friends, we’ve made these recipes...
This Bacon Shrimp Toasts Recipe is topped with a cream cheese mixture, shrimp and bacon, a sprinkle of parsley, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Happy National Bacon Day!...
Enjoy these classic cocktail meatballs made with strawberry jelly, balsamic, and chili sauce, for the Best Cocktail Meatballs recipe. Friends, perfect for any party or GAME DAY, we love...
Here’s a festive, retro appetizer for the holidays: Serve a Peperoncini Lox Poppers Appetizer, the perfect simple spicy bite! Friends, I love the colors of this Peperoncini Lox Poppers...
Make a Last Minute Christmas Dessert Board on the “Big Board” with your favorite chocolate and desserts for the holiday season! I’m showing you how to make this simple...