Air Fryer Mozzarella Sticks with Chick-Fil-A-Sauce is the best “anytime” snack for a party or game day! Cooked in the air fryer! Cheese sticks remind me of when my...
Healthy Banana Bread with Medjool Dates is a moist bread with deep flavors. Toast it; enjoy with a smear of butter and a pinch of flaky salt. I don’t...
Enjoy 4 Mexican Appetizer Recipes: Taco Stuffed Mini Peppers, Balela Salad, Watermelon Salsa, and a fresh Cowboy Caviar Pineapple Dip! Friends, any time of year we love Mexican food....
Crock Pot Chicken Tikka Masala is a slow cooker Indian dish of boneless chicken, marinated in spices and yogurt. An easy weeknight meal. Friends, enjoy this Slow Cooker Chicken...
Marinated Cornish Game Hens recipe is is an easy make-ahead recipe, with a savory ginger-soy-lime marinade. Delicious for any party! Being prepared for entertaining is really what makes a...
Best Charcuterie Board recipe is a cheese board with meat, cheese, crackers, olives, veggies served on the Reluctant Entertainer BIG BOARD! Over the holidays, we served this Best Charcuterie...