Take a large chocolate heart box; fill with charcuterie treats for a Heart Box Snack Tray recipe for a fun appetizer, snack or gift to give! We love this...
Looking for a crowd-pleasing salad? You’ll love this Thai Chicken Fettuccine Recipe, a large salad made with chicken, pasta, and Thai sauce. This classic Thai Chicken Fettuccine Recipe (it’s...
Air Fryer Mozzarella Sticks with Chick-Fil-A-Sauce is the best “anytime” snack for a party or game day! Cooked in the air fryer! Cheese sticks remind me of when my...
Healthy Banana Bread with Medjool Dates is a moist bread with deep flavors. Toast it; enjoy with a smear of butter and a pinch of flaky salt. I don’t...
Enjoy 4 Mexican Appetizer Recipes: Taco Stuffed Mini Peppers, Balela Salad, Watermelon Salsa, and a fresh Cowboy Caviar Pineapple Dip! Friends, any time of year we love Mexican food....
Crock Pot Chicken Tikka Masala is a slow cooker Indian dish of boneless chicken, marinated in spices and yogurt. An easy weeknight meal. Friends, enjoy this Slow Cooker Chicken...