Carmelitas are a delicious cookie bar loaded with chocolate and caramel! They are soft and chewy layered bars are dripping with caramel, Heath toffee bars (chunks), and stuffed with...
Lover of taco and pasta? Combine taco flavors with cheese tortellini and you have a weeknight dinner that everyone will love–Taco Tortellini. This easy one-pot dish is made up of...
Enjoy a pan of Breakfast Sliders, with delicious scrambled eggs, ham, fig spread, and melted cheese, on soft Hawaiian rolls. These breakfast sandwiches are made with eggs and cheese,...
This Roasted Strawberry Brie recipe is a rich, sweet, cheesy, appetizer served hot with crackers or bread. Be prepared to wow your guests every time! We love this appetizer with...
My go-to party salad with red onion salad dressing; bring a Blueberry Spinach Salad with red onion, toasted pecans, and goat cheese! Whether enjoying this salad for lunch or...
Just in time for a cozy weekend, the holidays, or a quick brunch or breakfast, give these Gluten-Free Apple Cinnamon Muffins made with honey a try! They are delicious,...