Make an epic charcuterie board with a Baked Cherries Pecan Brie Recipe in the center! Build around it with meats, fruits, crackers, and dips! Good morning, Friends. I received...
Flourless Chocolate Cake with Strawberry Coconut Cream for any holiday, spring or summer dessert! A chocolate, dairy-free and gluten-free cake recipe! Friends, I was reading this morning about intentional...
Easy Slow Cooker Vietnamese Shredded Chicken recipe, for tacos, bowls, quesadillas, or enchiladas. Serve with your favorite toppings! How about pulling out the slow cooker and getting this Slow...
Last-minute Pesto Tartine Appetizer Recipe for a party, potluck, or enjoy with a nice glass of wine. Fresh and tasty, make with pesto and goat cheese! Friends, HAPPY FRIDAY! I...
Enjoy Settlers of Catan Ground Turkey Pepperoncini Chili at your next game day or game night party, or cozy gathering. It’s delicious served with your favorite toppings, such as...
A delicious, moist, not-too-sweet Strawberry Breakfast Yogurt Cake Recipe made with strawberry slices! Optional to top with a whipped cream! Friends, I bought our first strawberries at the market...