With holiday party seasons just getting into full swing, enjoy this fabulous “party hit,” easy entertaining recipe: Holiday Meatball Charcuterie Board. This post is sponsored by CLASSICO, to share...
This Sweet Potato Mushroom Ground Turkey mixture is perfect for tacos, enchiladas, or our favorite family dish: Sweet Potato Mushroom Ground Turkey Bowls. Friends, are you new to hosting? Do you...
Thanksgiving Meal Plan Recipes are everything you need to get organized and ready for the holidays! Choose which ones work for you! Hello, November! Today I’m sharing a lovely...
Crunchy, tasty Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Recipe, for the most delicious breakfast, or the perfect gift to give for a hostess gift or holiday gift! Good morning, Friends! Happy...
Enjoy Roasted Pumpkin Mini Sweet Peppers Appetizer at your next party. Little bites of sweet and savory, perfect for fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving! Friends, I’m thankful for real life...
An entertaining idea for a party: A Seafood Entertaining Charcuterie Board! Bites of battered seafood with fresh veggies, dips, and more! This Seafood Entertaining Charcuterie is perfect for ushering...