This Baked Kale Gratin recipe is delicious served as a main dish, a side dish, or a holiday potluck dish! Delicious for entertaining! Hello, Friends! It’s the day after...
Make this Turkey Pesto Pasta Salad the night before and let the flavors mingle together overnight. Delicious with leftover turkey! Friends, I bet most of you have your Thanksgiving...
This Green Bean Bacon Casserole with Fried Shallots is a perfect side dish for any holiday meal. I love that I finally figured out where our oldest son’s vegetables were...
This Turkey Mushroom Cranberry Risotto is perfect for leftover turkey and is also freezable! Enjoy! The time has come: We won’t be gathering anymore on our side patio, enjoying...
One-Pot Dinners are perfect for easy and stress free entertaining! And who doesn’t like having only one pot to clean at the end of the end of the evening?!...
Chicken Rice Soup is perfect with leftover chicken, turkey, and your favorite rice and fresh vegetables! Fresh dill makes it even better! Enjoy a bowl of delicious Chicken Rice...