Ranch Beer Cheese Dip is the ultimate cheese dip for pretzels, chips and sliders! This creamy, smoky dip takes me back to the sports parties we hosted in our...
Paprika Chicken with Sweet Potatoes or “chicken stew,” is a delicious one-pot meal served in a soup bowl or a bread bowl. The chicken thighs are seasonsed just right...
Banana Pumpkin Cookies are the ultimate fall treat–wholesome, vegan, and packed with seasonal flavors. Made with oats, bananas, and pumpkin, these cookies are as nutritious as they are delicious....
Chicken thighs with pan sauce is a simple recipe that reduces down to make a sweet, savory barbecue sauce. Serve with rice or lettuce and delicious with fresh corn...
Bang Bang Sauce is just about the tastiest sauce ever! Combined with beans and meat, to create the best pot of chili, this ‘Chili Chili Bang Bang’ has been...
The Big Board is a great way to bring people together. Whether cooking from scratch, or buying premade food in the store, building a board is an artful way to present your delicious food!
Hello and welcome to my home and table! I’m Sandy Coughlin—recipe developer, founder of THE BIG BOARD, cookbook author, wife and mom to 3 adult kids. Enjoy our recipes, board ideas, entertaining tips, and travel adventures! (More about me »)