Impromptu gatherings are fun, and this easy Kale BLT Salad recipe is a delicous dish to serve guests! I think of a very old term that still warms my...
Fleischkuekle Recipe with Pickled Beets is a traditional German dish our family has made for 80 years. It’s a pasta pocket filled with meat. My German roots go deep...
With the Super Bowl right around the corner, I’ve learned to keep Puff Pastry products in my freezer at all times, for quick and easy recipes (so many options!),...
I’m a horrible calorie counter or diet person. When I hear the word “diet,” I automatically am consumed by food, meaning I think about it non-stop. What’s that about?...
My Secret Fudge Sauce Frosting for cupcakes? Take a jar of Trader Joe’s Fudge Sauce, warm in the microwave, and spread over the cupcakes for frosting. Yesterday I made...