This Dark Chocolate Flourless Cake recipe is perfect for holiday entertaining and the gluten-free crowd! When I asked my husband what I should make for dessert for our annual...
Illuminate your table with holiday warmth by grouping Mason canning jars upside down, pinecones up inside, and tea lights on top. I love the elegance of this for a...
Christmas … joy, peace, love, and giving. There are so many opportunities to be kind to one another, but honestly I think the hustle of the season gets in...
Too many years I’ve dreamed and come up with an enormous list of things that our family should do over the holidays. Things like baking, sharing, checking out the...
This Turkey Bacon Meatballs Recipe is a delicious meat dish to serve with pasta, delicious for a potluck or weeknight meal. I’m a mom of 3 teens and I...
Thanksgiving … by Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 31, 1939 Let us, on the day set aside for this purpose, give thanks to the Ruler of the universe for the...