I once had a friend who threw out her entire baked pie because the crust was a little too brown.

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And her kids saw her doing it …

Perfectionism. It not only destroys you, but permeates the minds behind the little eyes of the ones watching you.

Our friends are coming with their little kids today from out of town, for a fun-filled 4th of July week. As I was getting ready earlier this week (you know, changing the sheets, cleaning the bathrooms, trying to get organized), I warned her (in an email):

My house might not be spic and span, just lots going on and super busy here, but I know you won’t care! :)

Now that’s a true friend. When you come to a place where you give it your all, try your best, add special touches, but you still know it’s not perfect.

But it’s good enough.

How is it that we think we have to apologize if we don’t have everything so perfectly in order and clean and impressive?

I’m happy I’ve come to a place where I know entertaining only has to be good.

That is what our 4th of July will be this year. It will be good.

If you’re entertaining this year, what’s your state of mind? Are you stressing that things might not be perfect?