People in our lives.

Infinite creativity.

Weaving in and out. Every day a new experience.

Last night I was canning pear sauce. I made it differently this year, using my Dad’s wife, Ginny’s Pear Jam recipe. It’s actually a chunkier recipe, which I like, because it’s yummy to serve HOT on vanilla ice cream or on a slice of cheese cake. Yum!

As I was reaching in the sink to grab a pear–so many different sizes and colors– I was thinking of the uniqueness of the heavens, the rain drops (yes, lots of rain now in Oregon!), beautiful colored leaves, and people in my life.

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The creativity of each piece of fruit–the pears are not all the same–there’s no mass production.

Each pear, some even rotten inside, had to be cut out, and put into the big boiling pot of jam.

People in our lives. The way they come and go–the stories, the memories–seem to be varied from year to year. Our kids are older now, 2 in college (coming home today for the weekend!), 1 still in the home; our friends’ lives are changing right along with ours.

And life does change.

I love this paragraph by Joyce Meyer …

“The people we spend time with affect us, it stands to reason, if we want a more simple life, we should not have a lot of complicated people for close friends. If I’m around people who are intense and always stressed out, they get me stressed; but if I’m around people who are peaceful, it helps me remain peaceful, too. When I’m around people who are lighthearted and thoroughly enjoy even the very simple things in life (my words: like pear sauce!), it reminds me to do the same.” – Joyce Meyer

My mom made pear jam. My Dad’s wife Ginny makes pear jam. I make pear jam and now sauce. Abby will, I’m sure.

I wonder if the boys will want to can this fabulous recipe?

Different pears, different recipe, different people, new sauce.

What do you reflect on this time of year?


Recipe: Pear Sauce (Jam) Recipe {}

Summary: Serve over pancakes, waffles, ice cream, or cheesecake.


  • 7 pounds pears
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Sugar to equal the amount of pear chunks
  • 1-2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. nutmeg


  1. Peel pears, core, and cut into chunks.
  2. Place in a large pot on the stove. Boil, then simmer allowing the pears to get soft.
  3. Add sugar and cook slowly until desired thickness, about 45 minutes.
  4. Add cinnamon and nutmeg at the end.
  5. Pour into jars and process for 10 minutes.

Preparation time: 20 minute(s)

Cooking time: 45 minute(s)

Number of servings (yield): 12
