Thanks for joining me in my “30 Days of Summer Entertaining” series. (Scroll down to the bottom for the previous posts to this series) :)

One thing I love about summer entertaining is a pretty table.

If you read my post, here, my sister added tables together until she got enough seating for her party of 20.

What I learned years ago, and when you’re short of cash to spend on expensive tablecloths (which you may need 2-3 of for a large group), is to use bed sheets.

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Like my sister did, you can inter-mix a sheet and a tablecloth.

On my back patio, I recently folded and used a shower curtain as a table runner.

My friend, Krissy, who owns a very cool store called Terra Firma Home, uses extra fabric pieces table runners or tablecloths.

There are so many ways to be creative with your dinner table when you either run out of time or money.

Do you have a quick, easy, and affordable answer for table coverings?

If you’ve missed the last 16 days of this series, you can catch up now:

Day 1: Summer Entertaining is About the People
Day 2: When Perfect Robs You of Something Good
Day 3: Who To Invite to Dinner
Day 4: Planning the Menu for Outdoor Entertaining
Day 5: Setting the Table Using What You Have
Day 6: Using One Classic Water Glass
Day 7: Napkin Options for Summer Entertaining
Day 8: When You Feel Like Canceling the Party
Day 9: Leave Your Technology at the Front Door
Day 10: Candles That Enhance Good Conversation
Day 11: Serving Flavored Herb and Fruit Water
Day 12: Leafy Greens and a Tiny Bit of Agave
Day 13: Keeping Nut and Fruits and Cheeses on Hand for Easy Appetizers
Day 14: Move Your Table to a Different Space
Day 15: Greek Salad on a Stick and Getting the Kids Involved
Day 16: Three Lies of Perfectionism that Ruin Entertaining Moments

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30 days of Summer Entertaining