Thanks for joining me in my “30 Days of Summer Entertaining” series. (Scroll down to the bottom for the previous posts to this series) :)

It’s easy to perk up the personality of a salad with dressings, spices, cheeses, herbs, and nuts.

And for summer entertaining, I always try to add the fruit in season–mostly berries, but mango, apricots, peaches, pears are delicious, too.

My favorite dressing? White Balsamic vinegar, olive oil, a tiny bit of AGAVE.

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Agave adds the perfect amount of sweetness to the already savory flavor.

I know the rave right now is to layer a salad in a glass bowl, showing the different food layers. Beautiful … but not practical.

How do you efficiently toss in the dressing and really get the salad mixed without it spilled over the side? You don’t. It’s awkward.

When making a salad, use a large bowl so it’s easier to toss. And add in the dressing ahead of time. We’ve found the flavor is better when the dressing is allowed to sit for at least 15 minutes before serving.

We’re really enjoying the fresh greens from our garden right now. Tender, buttery, and the best when they’re pulled right from the ground, washed and spun.

Do you have a favorite way to toss your green salads?

If you’ve missed the last 11 days of this series, you can catch up now:

Day 1: Summer Entertaining is About the People
Day 2: When Perfect Robs You of Something Good
Day 3: Who To Invite to Dinner
Day 4: Planning the Menu for Outdoor Entertaining
Day 5: Setting the Table Using What You Have
Day 6: Using One Classic Water Glass
Day 7: Napkin Options for Summer Entertaining
Day 8: When You Feel Like Canceling the Party
Day 9: Leave Your Technology at the Front Door
Day 10: Candles That Enhance Good Conversation
Day 11: Serving Flavored Herb and Fruit Water

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30 days of Summer Entertaining