We’ve eaten so much corn this year, I think it’s coming out of our ears! (Hee-hee, that was pretty funny.)

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Seriously, our family has really enjoyed sweet, savory corn on the cob this summer, served several ways.

Recently we had dinner in Portland with our friends and they grilled it … in the husks!
How easy is that?

Corn on the cob cooked this way has a mild flavor, but it’s tender and juicy.

How to Grill Corn in the Husk

-Soak the corn in the husks (easiest in the sink or a bucket) for a least a half an hour.

-Pull them out of the water and lay them on the grill, turning ever 5 minutes or so.

-Cook until they are heated through, 15 – 30 minutes, depending on how many cobs you have on the grill.

-The husks and silk come off very easily.

After giving thanks for our dinner, the little kids usually raise their hands.

This time … it was the big kid. :)

What has been your favorite way of serving corn this summer?

Want to mix and freeze herb butter? Check it out, here.