That’s right.

Hosting blogging friends isn’t as intimidating as you may think.

Until you actually do it …

Last night some of my beautiful blogging friends, who just arrived in Oregon yesterday and are staying at this beautiful place, came to our home for a lovely dinner. (Above photo, back row: Brenda, Brian, Heather, Matt, Julie, Aggie, Maggy. In the front: Carrie, me, Dara, Gaby. And missing Sommer because her flight was delayed. No worries, we saved a plate of food for her!) :)

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I say lovely, because honestly, you can have the most magazine-perfect place or table setting, but it’s the people who are “in the chairs” that make the difference around the table.

They are forgiving if something goes wrong.

Or doesn’t look right.

Or isn’t perfect.

I’ll be sharing the details of the table setting and menu later. But for now, I’m sending you over to Julie’s (Peanut Butter Fingers), who I’m honored to have met for the first time, because she did a very sweet recap of the party!

So, back to the intimidation. Yes, I was intimidated knowing 12 food bloggers were coming in to my home. I actually had this conversation with a few of the ladies last night. I had to give myself a pep talk regarding the fact that they were coming to see me and my family.

Not to inspect.

By the end of the night, my fears were gone.

And I knew that the party was successful by the love in the room (we moved inside for dessert and a little live music), and the looks on their faces.

Do you struggle with perfectionism, or what are some tips that have helped you overcome the intimidation of entertaining?

Our dinner was sponsored by Harry & David, who brought the bloggers to Oregon to learn more about holiday gifts, but as always, all opinions are my own.