Garden Squash Breakfast | Reluctant

The feeling of being hurried is not usually the result of living a full life and having no time. It is, on the contrary, born of a vague fear that we are wasting our life. When we do not do the one thing we ought to do, we have no time for anything else–we are the busiest people in the world. –Eric Hoffer

When I don’t focus on a healthy breakfast, I immediately lose the strength and power to focus on what I should be doing that day. It takes discipline to exercise, eat healthy (Garden Squash Breakfast), read something good for my mind and soul, and to make a plan for the day so I don’t waste time. Now don’t get me wrong, I do occasionally waste time. Social media can suck the life out of a person, and I’m trying to streamline my days and stay more focused. Most people I talk to struggle with this.

Garden Squash Breakfast |

These past few weeks I’ve deliberately slowed my schedule down. I’ve said no to a few social engagements, done more organizing around the house, and have kept a quieter existence. It’s been good for me, because I can tend to be the one on the go all the time.

Garden Squash Breakfast | Reluctant

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I’ve enjoyed the garden (and this beautiful autumn peony above – what a nice surprise!), committing to my husband (who really is the gardener around here) to preserve and can what I can (too many years we’ve let produce go to waste, or have had to give it away), so this week I froze zucchini and carrots, harvested beets and squash, and made 20 more pints of my Smokey Zucchini Salsa. I wanted to can more peaches, but how much can a girl do? :)

I’m moving on to applesauce and pears, two of my favorites fruits. I’m excited to share with you my fast and easy applesauce canning process with a KitchenAid attachment that everyone asks me about. Sandy, how do you make applesauce so fast? Stay tuned. :)

I visited for the first time a farm up the street from our home, Dunbar Farms. They have a new tasting room and a fruit and vegetable stand where you pay using the “honor system.” I love it when people run a business the good old fashioned way. I bought some tomatoes for the salsa because ours are dwindling quickly.

Dunbar Farms

In the meantime, for breakfast, I took a big hunk of squash and steamed it, and then added a steamed egg and all the fixings, which for me is usually avocado and garden tomatoes sprinkled with pepper.

Healthy Garden Squash Breakfast  | Reluctant

We’re at the end of the season, so I’m savoring every last bite from our garden, and so is my family.

Gardening and eating healthy and sharing the crops – it all makes this girl happy!

And slowing down.

Do you ever take time to visit new farms in your area?